DMLA Newsbreak 7/22/2022

Take Action Now: Ask New York’s Governor to sign this important shield law

A message from Nancy Wolff, DMLA General Counsel: The New York legislature has passed an amendment to state’s civil rights law that would offer DMLA members who aggregate and license content an express exception from liability for licensing images to users, provided the license terms do not authorize users to violate the law. This is the first language in any state bill that acknowledges the role of an image library in licensing and shields them from liability for the mere act of displaying an image or licensing.

We would like to get this bill on Gov. Kathy Hochul’s desk for signature. The DMLA Legal Committee has written a form letter that anyone can adapt that we will send to our lobbyist in Albany members’ behalf.

If you would like to write a letter, please use the template provided (thumbnail at left) and send it to Nancy Wolff ( to ensure it will be delivered to the proper parties.


Tell DMLA’s Legal Committee what you think they should do about the Warhol v Goldsmith Case

The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear its second fair use case in 25 years. The first was the Google v Oracle case, involving “declaring code” as part of software API. This most recent case, The Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith, has attracted a lot of attention, and many organizations are drafting amicus briefs, either advocating for a side or hoping to provide insight to the court through neutral briefs.

Our industry was asked to weigh in on the issue of licensing for derivative works. With that in mind, DMLA’s Legal Committee would like to hear from fellow members on the use of a derivative license.


DMLA President’s Series Launches with Scribely CEO
Is Your Content Accessible?

President Leslie Hughes (iSpyVisuals) has introduced a new series to highlight members of DMLA, premiering with Caroline Desrosiers, CEO of Scribely, an Affiliate Member that delivers premium alt text and extended descriptions for images and audio descriptions for video to help businesses create a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable world.

The video is available for public viewing on DMLA’s YouTube Channel.

Our President’s Series will be produced periodically and focus predominantly on our smaller member companies, starting with some of the newer members and startups, as a benefit of membership and to share their stories to enrich the community. All of the videos will be shared publicly. 


Registration is open! Hurry to get the best prices on an individual all-access pass, which lets you access to any session and any video!


DMLA Newsbreak 8/5/2022


DMLA Newsbreak 6/10/2022